ADHD More Common In Male Bodybuilders Who Use Steroids, Says Study

ADHD More Common In Male Bodybuilders Who Use Steroids, Says Study

Another reason to avoid steroids
If you are thinking of injecting anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass, think long and hard before reaching for the needle. That’s because a recent study published in Scientific Reports suggests men who use anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) are more likely to have ADHD than guys who have never used them.
MV spoke to Chicago-based certified personal trainer Cameron Mitchell about the study’s findings. Here’s what he told us:
“This is just one more reason guys need to stay clear of steroids like ‘roids’, like nandrolone and testosterone cypionate. Not only is this stuff bad for your heart, but it’s also bad for your brain. There are so many natural alternatives,” he said.   
As part of this investigation, researchers assessed 134 bodybuilders who were over the age of 18 from Oslo University Hospital. One group reported current or previous use of AAS and the other reported no use (past or present.

The participants were asked to complete various cognitive assessments and neurological tests. Some of the areas explored included working memory, verbal learning, problem-solving, and general executive functioning.

A self-report assessment of ADHD symptoms was also administered to examine emotional and behavioral problems. Investigators discovered the guys who used AAS had higher incidences of ADHD than those who never touched the stuff. Additionally, the longer a person had been using steroids, the more likely they were to exhibit ADHD symptoms.
Here are some comments made by the investigators of this study:
“Our findings suggest that ADHD symptoms are more common among weightlifters who use AAS. Correspondence between ADHD symptoms and cognitive test performance substantiated this finding. Recognizing a relationship between ADHD symptoms and AAS use may guide prevention strategies against AAS use in sports.”
But here’s the thing guys. Do you really need more reasons to stay away from the juice? We already know from years of scientific research that steroids can seriously mess up your cardiovascular system, cause premature hair-loss, cause extreme mood swings and shorten your lifespan.
If you want to get big naturally, focus on your diet. Here are 5 high protein, low-calorie meals to consider. ADHD is nothing to mess around with and is a serious mental health issue.
This study was authored by Emilie Kildal, Bjørnar Hassel, and Astrid Bjørnebekk. Have you ever used anabolic steroids? If so, do you experience any adverse health effects?


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