Bodybuilding Workouts VS Strength and Conditioning Workouts

Bodybuilding Workouts VS Strength and Conditioning Workouts

Reading about a guy who has changed his training from bodybuilding type of workouts to MMA/strength/conditioning workouts, made me think about myself and how my training evolved throughout the years. There was a time when I was younger and I my training consisted of mostly the usual bodybuilding workouts. I chased the pump, bro splits, more volume….
I mean what was I supposed to do ? I was mesmerized by the looks of my bodybuilding idols. I wanted to look like them – huge, ripped and vascular. However, over the years, the picture picture in my head of how I am supposed to look and work out has really changed.
Don’t get me wrong, I still pursue that lean and muscular look. It’s just that functional strength, conditioning and good health are more important to me nowadays than carrying huge muscle mass and feeling my muscles “swollen”. Some lifters (especially the younger ones) can’t understand what I’m saying.
It usually happens when I’m at the gym and I get reactions like “why do you lift heavy for 5 reps when you can push lighter weights for 10-12 reps? You can gain more muscle that way and the “pump” is incredible” or “why do you do the standing shoulder press when you can push more weight doing the seated press”.
Like I said there were times when all I had interest in, was to look like a bodybuilder. Today I consider myself more of an athlete an I train like one. I still do bodybuilding workouts occasionally just to change things a bit, but mostly here’s what i do:
1. Upper/Lower Split or Full body workouts
I’m talking about compound exercises, not cables or pushups or burpees. I’m talking about a full body workout where you rotate squats, cleans and presses, bench presses and deadlifts. I try to add some unconventional exercises to the mix as well, such as sandbag overhead presses, sandbag squats, tire flipping etc.
I try to add bodyweight exercises as finishers. How does this sound for a pump ? Doing full body, heavy workouts not only will make you gasp for air, it will also increase your metabolism and help you burn fat hours after the workout is over.
2. I try to stay away from machines
When doing a machine workout you don’t use your stabilizing muscles and core muscles enough. Doing a workout with free weights will help you build a good six-pack and a strong core that will keep your spine stable and safe during a large diapason of movements.
3. I train for strength and explosiveness
Instead of doing slow reps, try doing slow negative and fast, explosive positive reps. You will increase strength and recruit your fast twitch muscle fibers – the ones that are responsible for strength and explosive movements.
4. I avoid long, low intensity cardio sessions
Don’t get me wrong, low intensity cardio is useful for your health. But for fat loss I prefer high intensity sessions like sprints, stair climbing, prowler or sledge sessions. These sessions usually last only 20 minutes and do a better job than low intensity cardio.
5. Add some stretching and mobility work
As a standard component of post-workout cool-down regimens, stretching increases blood flow and circulation, delivers more oxygen to your muscles and brain, and eases tightness and pain in your muscles.
Furthermore, some stretches can improve the quality of your warm-up prior to exercise by releasing tight muscles and expanding their range of motion, which will help your body get ready for the workout.
6. Last but not least, work on your hips
Didn’t you hear that your power comes mostly from your hips? In many sports such as MMA, boxing, athletics etc, the hips play a big role. Having strong hips means having more power overall. Try to concentrate on doing deadlifts and squats as your main lifts in the program. Also add exercises like the kettlebell swing as they will improve your hip mobility.


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